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Do You Still Struggle with Your Forehand?

Discover How to Easily Apply the ATP Pros Biomechanics Into Your Forehand, so You Can Finally Generate those Big, Reliable, yet Effortless Strokes!

By using my unique PLB Tennis Method® that will show you, unlike most "YouTube only coaches", the right way of using body to easily generate power, consistency and control!

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Success Stories

Who Am I and How I Can Help You?
Hi there, I am Jan Metelka, USPTR Pro Tennis Coach and over the past 15 years on court as a pro performance coach working with hundreds of club tennis players, I have developed my unique way of helping them with their game. I now call my method The “PLB Tennis Method ®”.
This very specific method, which has been proving for years, always helped my players with most important tennis fundamentals right from the beginning. From the moment I start working with my players, I focus on improving the 3 most crucial elements that prove to be those, that transform their tennis game.
My mission is simple: “I want to help you and inspire you to reach a new level of your game, as I believe anything is possible and anybody can improve at any age or at any level of their game!’.
Since I started using my training method I have now helped over 5000 club tennis players all over the world!
I have seen massive results using my unique Method and I am looking forward to also help you TRANSFORM your tennis game!
Jan Metelka
Meet Other Tennis Players Who’ve Been Able to Transform Their Forehand Forever!
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Game changing!

"I used to focus on a swing and everything, but you are making me focus on the legs
and the footwork and its really great, I can feel the improvement and
I am really grateful!

Juanjo Morales

Medium Level Player

Rob Powell
I Have Much More Effortless Power!

"It feels great!
I now have much more effortless power and
I have improved so much this week and its thanks to you, Jan!

Rob Powell

Medium Level Player

Andy 1-1
It is just much more Effortless! More Effortless!

"The PLB Tennis Method has taken my game beyond what I thought was possible! I can now hit much more effortless strokes than ever before and its making me win more matches!

Andy McCall

Medium to Advanced Level Player

"Those who train with dedication and commitment will always achieve what they want!" Jan Metelka
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